Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 5 Records 2012

Okay, here it is... my favorite 5 of 2012:

1. Landing (self-titled)
Landing (self-titled)
Released: 06/2012
Geographic North Records

I've been a friend of Landing's for a long time. I've been a fan of theirs just as long.  They've made a long career of beautiful, gauzy, droney shoegaze, and have made some pretty killer albums. After a 6-year hiatus to raise a beautiful daughter, Landing have triumphantly returned with their eighth or so album. This album finds them revisiting some of their influences (the cure, slowdive, seefeel) that have always been bubbling under the surface. Landing has managed to create an LP with atmosphere and beauty to match their perfect 2004 album, Sphere. The big surprise, here, is the rhythms-- there's a song called "Heart Finds the Beat," but it could be "Landing Finds the Beat", as they have added a surprisingly kicked-up tempo and danceable beat to their usually solemn sonic template.

I think you oughtta watch these two fun videos, and I dare you not to like the tunes:

Landing - Heart Finds the Beat from Geographic North on Vimeo.

Landing - Finally from Geographic North on Vimeo.

I don't know if this one knocks "Sphere" off as best Landing album, but it comes close. Buy the vinyl or digital download here (warning: I've had trouble viewing the site with I.E.)

2. Counting Crows - Underwater Sunshine
Underwater Sunshine (or what we did on our summer vacation)
Counting Crows - Underwater Sunshine
Released: 4/12/2012
Collective Sounds

Whoosh! All the indie cred I've built up over the years just went flying out the window. I feel like I have to apologize as a punk rocker for putting this album number 2 on my 2012 list. I like Counting Crows. Always have. I keep looking for excuses to not like them (and there are plenty to choose from). They're a jam band. They're rock stars. They're old, ugly, and boring. Yet I can't quit their music. This album I really wanted to hate, because it's a covers album. Yet, they sound more excited and at home performing these songs than most of their last several albums. I almost didn't own this album because I went to the show (yes, I did), and they were selling it for $25 at the merch table (total sucky rock stars). ...but I found a good deal on Amazon, and here we are. This CD spent a good deal of 2012 in our CD player, and these songs seem like songs we've known forever.

The interesting thing about this album is that some of these songs are covers in name only-- they're written by members of the band (for their side projects), just not by Adam Duritz. Only in an ego-driven vehicle like this would these even be considered covers. These songs ("Hospital", "Untitled Love Song") are undisputedly the best on the album. The only missteps are attempting to cover britpop without a functioning falsetto "Coming Around", or a clunky cover of an old Faces song "Ooh La La". Otherwise, this works as well as any album of Counting Crows originals.

Well, I know I'm not going to change your mind about this album. Either you hate Counting Crows, and I don't blame you, or you like them, and how did you find this blog? Here's the album on amazon. Don't pay $25 for it.

3. Finn Riggins - Benchwarmers

Finn Riggins - Benchwarmers
Released 4/21/2012
Tender Loving Empire

Okay, that's more like it: A 5-song 10" EP from one of my favorite bands on my favorite record label. Finn Riggins are from Idaho, and make cerebral indie music that you can dance to. This EP has one or two dancy numbers (Benchwarmers, Parkour) and several moody pieces (Arrow, Plural). Just enough to leave you howling for more. Check this out (on vinyl or digital) and if you like it, check out their 2007 masterpiece "A Soldier, A Saint, an Ocean Explorer"

4. Mumford and Sons - Babel
Mumford and Sons - Babel
Released: 9/25/2012
Glassnote Records

As if the Counting Crows selection didn't destroy my indie cred... I've missed the hype on Mumford and Sons. I don't generally pay attention, so I've heard the name for the last few years batting around cyberspace, but never bothered a listen. Then, my wife comes home from driving in the car with the alternatrash radio station on, and asks about that song... "what song?" "I don't know. Kinda sounded like Typhoon." A little savvy research turned up that she was listening to Mumford and Sons. A quick perusal of youtube followed; this stuff was legit. So we picked up the album. It's good stuff. Tuneful, indie-ish. Cute british accents of boys exuberantly trying to play appalachian folk music.

Still, the album's pretty darn good. It's like an across-the-pond (and world famous) version of our own the Builders and the Butchers.

5. Typhoon - Common Sentiments
Common Sentiments 7" cover art
Typhoon - Common Sentiments b/w Green
Released: 10/30/2012
Tender Loving Empire

I'm not sure what I can say about this record. Typhoon has been playing these two songs in some form or another for a long time, so they don't seem new to me. Typhoon is, however, possibly the greatest band making music today, so they deserve inclusion on this list.

Here is a video:

You should buy this record. Once you've done that, here's a live performance that has both these songs that you can download for free.

Honorable Mention:

Rebecca Gates - The Float
Talkdemonic - Ruins
Afthan Whigs - See and Don't See / Lovecrimes (free)
Purple & Green - Music (free)
Joan of Arc presents Joan of Arc
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - Only Good Thoughts Can Stay
His Name Shall Breathe - We Must Not Find Him, for He Is Lost
The Hive Dwellers - Hewn from the Wilderness
Chain and the Gang - In Cool Blood

Top 5 OLD releases 2012

Well, here's a list of the best stuff I discovered this year that isn't new.

1. The Merry-Go-Round (self-titled)

The Merry Go Round (Self-titled)
Released: 1967
A&M Records

60s California Summer of Love music. These guys were fantastic songrwiters. I think they only had one album, but this album is right up there with the classic Beatles albums in terms of songcraft, arrangement, etc.

For most of my life, I've avoided music made before 1977 and punk rock. 2012 was the year that I started to stretch back a bit further, and this is the best of my discoveries. Thanks, Eric Lovre for sharing this record with me.

I don't know where you could pick this album up (other than getting really good at searching the used bins), but here is a youtube video of the band on strange 60s tv, and here is a good looking reissue on amazon.

2. Mary Timony - The Golden Dove
The Golden Dove
Mary Timony - The Golden Dove
Released: 5/21/2002
Matador Records

I picked this one up in the dollar bin at Ranch. Yay for cheap discoveries. Mary Timony was in the almost-famous Helium back in the alternacrazed 90s. She's also famous for her musical and personal former relationship with Polvo guitarist Ash Bowie, with whom she shares quite a bit of guitar and songwriting style.

This album blew me away with its pop tunefulness and Ms. Timony's lyrical metaphors. This album has been on heavy rotation in the possum house, and is one of the best dollar-bin finds ever. I'm not sure I can say more about it, so here are some links so you can listen yourself:

Matador records doesn't seem to have it in print anymore, so here's Amazon. (Used from $1.65!)

3. Carissa's Wierd - They'll Only Miss You When You Leave
They'll Only Miss You When You Leave: Songs 1996 - 2003
Carissa's Wierd - They'll Only Miss You When You Leave: Songs 1996-2003
Released 7/13/2010
Hardly Art Records

I'm not sure how many times I almost saw Carissa's Wierd live and didn't. I seem to remember them opening for a few shows which I showed up late for, playing a few more that I missed, and I know I was going to see them at Bumbershoot and got talked into going to dinner instead. Anyway, this is my first actual time hearing them.

So apparently, these guys went on to form Band of Horses, who are the poster children for unoffensive, bland white indie rock. (They're not bad, they're just not unique). Carissa's Wierd [yes, sic] is softer, more orchestral, a bit stranger, and a bit more off-kilter. There's cello arrangements on almost every song, and most of the good ones are wistful, hushed, low-fi, demo-type songs that sound like they were recorded in somebody's apartment at 3 AM, hoping desperately not to wake the neighbors. Sounding like Death Cab at their most introspective and chamber-poppiest, these guys definitely set the template from which Some By Sea operated.

Here's the legit place to buy it from the label  and the CD's also on amazon but you should support the artists.

4. The Church - Starfish

The Church - Starfish
Released: 1988
EMI or some dumb major label

So everyone's heard "Under the Milky Way" by these aussie gents. I was surprised to learn it came from an album track-for-track as good, dark, and atmospheric as that song. This is classic 80s pop. What used to pass for "alternative" from the major labels in the late 80s. This album stands up to anything by U2, Depeche Mode, INXS from that era. If you're into that stuff (or have a weakness for it, like me), then pick this up cheap. Don't bother supporting major record labels. Amazon-- from $1.18 used or a penny if you like cassettes!

5. The Hardship Post - Somebody Spoke

Somebody Spoke
The Hardship Post - Somebody Spoke
Released: 1995
Sub Pop Records

Forever ago, my sister-in-law picked up matching Hardship Post T-shirts for all the guys in my family in some bargain bin in Seattle. Sub Pop Surplus, no doubt. At the time, I had one compilation from Sub Pop with a Hardship Post song that I liked and always felt a little guilty wearing the shirt while only knowing (and liking) one song from the band. Much later, I picked up a dollar-bin 7" which was good, but this year (16 years later?), I finally got the album.

This album is good, rocking pop music. No frills, just fun songs. Here's a music video that looks like every other low-budget music video from 1995. Here's another song. And another. Here's the album for a reasonable price from Sub Pop. There's nothing flashy about this album that makes it better than other records, it's just a solid rocker... if I could only find that T-shirt...

Honorable Mention

Other albums that almost made the cut:

Low - Live at Eindhoven (2010) (how did I miss this free download?)
Patti Smith - Horses (1975) (okay, well this is my first time hearing the whole album straight through)

Special Mention

In the interest of full disclosure: My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE album of 2012, but TOTALLY DISQUALIFIED from the rankings:

Released: 2/25/2012
Heather House Records
$15 Vinyl+CD or free download on Bandcamp

Yes, this is my band's album. From an objective standpoint, it's probably not the best album released this year, but to me it is. Jen and I set out to make an album that would make us happy, rather than please anyone else. I think we got it. It was a labor of love. It's weird listening to it, because it's ours, but it is my favorite. You should listen to it. It's free. Here.

Hello World / Methodology


This is the official blog of The Chandelier Swing, a weekly radio show on KMUZ (88.5 FM / streaming at / available on the TuneIn Radio app). The show has been going for about a year now. The theme of the show is Indie Rock from the 90s and Beyond, but I manage to be somewhat omnivorous in my music tastes, and what gets actually played on the radio.

I've been posting my playlists on Facebook, which isn't that great of a platform. Playlists are always also available at, but I like having them in a more digestible format.

Anyway, having a radio show, I guess that makes me into an official Music Journalist. Being a Music Journalist (and all the pretension that entails), I guess I need an official place to vent my useless opinions on music and life in general. Hence, this blog.

The first order of business is the ubiquitous year-end best-of list. As an analytical intellectual, I feel the need to discuss methodology before launching into the list (s) so here goes:

-My best-of lists won't necessarily conform to the format of my radio show. In the strictest definition, there were absolutely no 90s indie rock records released in 2012.

-Most music writers limit "new music" to "stuff released in this calendar year" which kinda gives stuff released towards the end of the year the shaft. Given my limited resources and predilection for physical (non-internet) releases, it usually takes me a few months to hear new music. My "New Music" consists of anything released in calendar 2012 or 2011 that I first encountered in 2012.

-I'm still discovering older stuff, so I'm going to have a category of older music I discovered in 2012. This may just showcase my ignorance of things I missed the first time around.

-Reissues are stupid. Publications (ahem, pitchfork) that put reissues in their "best new music" categories are dumb. Sorry, that Miles Davis reissue, or the reissue of the complete works of that one mental patient that you so lovingly refer to as "outsider music"? Not new, and probably not even good.

-All releases are fair game-- EPs, albums, single tracks. In this internet age, I'm seeing a lot more onesy-twosy releases. That being said, I'm a fan of albums, and it will be difficult for me to express preference for one song over a group of 12 or so.

Also, just as a note, now that I'm looking over the candidate albums for best of 2012, the pickings are kindof slim. Part of that is because I'm a self-described fogey and I don't like a lot of new music out there. Part of that also comes from becoming a parent and having different priorities in my life. Truth be told, I haven't heard a ton of new music in the last year.

Playlists 12-2012

December marks the beginning of season 2 of The Chandelier Swing!

Show 2-1
Airdate: 12/7/2012
Theme: Calvin / 1st Anniversary
Man or Astro-Man? - Television Fission
Hive Dwellers - Ride With Me

The Paper 7":
     Lois - A Summer Long
     Mad Planets - Super 8
     Low - Lift
     The Receptionists - Chills

Dub Narcotic Sound System - Ridin' Shotgun [Remix]
Cap'n Jazz - Easy Driver
Wolf Colonel - Motorcycle Cop
The Comforters - The Coventry Carol
The Rondelles - Angels We've Heard on High

Crom-Tech: X-Mas
     Silent Plarm
     Here Comes Mobo-Clais
     Lit-l Floater Boy
     O-Climtwist Tree

Heavenly - C Is the Heavenly Option
Track Star - These Horses Carry Blood
Hive Dwellers - Pine-Shaped Box
Fugazi - Long Distance Runner
Jesus and Mary Chain - Degenerate
Beat Happening - Angel Gone
His Name Shall Breathe - Leave the Lights On [chandelier session]
Whiskey Priest - Souvenir [chandelier session]
Election Year - Old Man [chandelier session]
Pedro the Lion - Big Trucks
Halo Benders - Your Asterisk
They Might Be Giants - Boat of Car
[guilty pleasure]   Roxette - It Must Have Been Love (Christmas for the Broken-Hearted)
Ida - The Pain of Loving You
Amelia, Scott, Peter, and Calvin - Ambulance Driver Blues
Death Cab for Cutie - Why You'd Want to Live Here
3 Swimmers - The Worker Works to Live
Q and Not U - Wet Work
Finn Riggins - Big News
Hive Dwellers - Somebody's Phone Is Ringing

Show 2-2
Airdate: 12/14/2012
Theme: The Best of the Guilty Pleasure

Roxette - Dangerous
Genesis - Invisible Touch
Purple & Green - Invisible
Kesha - Tik Tok
Metallica - Battery
Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now
NSync - Bye Bye Bye
Erasure - A Little Respect
Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl
Stanley Brothers - Little Glass of Wine
Spice Girls - Say You'll Be There
Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
Men Without Hats - Moonbeam
Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories - Stay (I Missed You)
Phil Collins - Sussudio
Phil Collins - Burn Down the Mission
Parliament - Flash Light
The Aquabats - Super Rad
Roxette - Fading Like a Flower (Every Time You Leave)
[not the guilty pleasure]   Braid - The Chandelier Swing
Har Mar Superstar - D.U.I.
Guns 'n' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine
Sponge - Plowed
Meco - The Empire Strikes Back (Medley: Darth Vader / The Force Theme)
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn [Fired Up Mix]
Nicki French - Total Eclipse of the Heart

Show 2-3
Airdate: 12/21/2012
Theme: The Lost Christmas Episode

Low - Little Drummer Boy
Typhoon - O Holy Night
Eskimo and Sons - Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!
Verona - Carol of the Bells
Some By Sea - The Saddest Christmas
Cap'n Jazz - Winter Wonderland

Seasons Greetings from Velocity Girl and Tsunami
     Velocity Girl - Merry Christmas I Love You
     Tsunami - Could Have Been Christmas
     Velocity Girl and Tsunami - Deck the Halls

Servotron: There Is No Santa Claus!
     Christmas Day of the Robot
     Servotron Sonic Evaluation of the Christmas Season
     Death of the Sugarplum Fairy

Crom-Tech - X-Mas
     Clomtad Is Here
     We Wish You X-Mas
     Jorpeel Bells
     Winter Wonderland

Symmetry/Symmetry - Deck Them Hallz
Ghosties - Good King Wenceslas
Royal - All I Want for Christmas Is You
Remy Zero - Christmas
The Firebird Band - Gift
Typhoon - Merry Xmas Anyways
Mineral - Rubber Legs
Joan of Arc - The Hands
Low - Long Way Around the Sea
[guilty pleasure]   Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton - Hard Candy Christmas
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - Joy to the World
Sufjan Stevens - Come On, Let's Boogie to the Elf Dance!
Symmetry/Symmetry - O Holy Night
Chris Cornell and Eleven - Ave Maria
Jimmy Eat World - 12.23.95
Jimmy Eat World - Christmas Card
R.E.M. - It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Show 2-4
Airdate: 12/28/2012
Theme: None

The Cure - Underneath the Stars
Some By Sea - (These) Actors and Actresses, They'll All Die Soon
Combustible Edison - Solid State
Ida - Encantada
David Bazan - Curse Your Branches

Audio Armada / Sunsets and Landscapes Split:
     Audio Armada - TakeNumberNine
     Sunsets and Landscapes - Conversion

The Walkabouts - Hangman
Built to Spill - Girl
Christie Front Drive - Bowl
The Incredible Force of Junior - Kid Champion
Six Finger Satellite - Last Transmission

I Am the World Trade Center / Phofo Split:
     Phofo - Ancient Chinese Secret
     I Am the World Trade Center - Loveless Sunday

Guided By Voices - Everywhere with Helicopter
David Bowie - Velvet Goldmine
Velvet Underground - The Black Angel's Death Song
Landing - Heavy Gloss
Motorpsycho - Sungravy
James - Sit Down
Mirah - Recommendation
Bob Marley and the Wailers - Punky Reggae Party
[guilty pleasure]   U2 - Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car
                          Bono and the Edge - In the Name of the Father
They Might Be Giants - Robot Parade
Octant - This and What
The Bats - Popgun
Jen Wood - Spoken For
The Mountain Goats - Pale Green Things

Playlists 11-2012

November: A month of covers on the Chandelier Swing...

Show 47
Airdate: 11/2/2012
Theme: Covers Month Week 1 / The Smiths

Kicking Giant - She's Real
Built to Spill Caustic Resin - She's Real

Richard and Linda Thompson - I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight
Ida - I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight

The Smiths - Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
Low - Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

The Smiths - This Charming Man
Braid - This Charming Man
Death Cab for Cutie - This Charming Man

The Smiths - The Boy with the Thorn in His Side
Jejune - The Boy with the Thorn in His Side

The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again
Treepeople - Bigmouth Strikes Again

The Smiths - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
Halo Benders - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

The Blow - Hey Boy
Ralf Youtz - Hey Girl

Eric's Trip - Sunlight
Silver Scooter - Sunlight

Masters of the Hemisphere - Second Hand News
Mates of State - Second Hand News

The Beatles - All Together Now
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - All Together Now

[guilty pleasure] Guns 'n Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine
Whiskey Priest - Sweet Child

The Smiths - How Soon is Now?
Love Spit Love - How Soon is Now?
Everclear - How Soon is Now?

The Smiths - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
Braid - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out

Show 48
Airdate: 11/9/2012
Theme: Covers Month Week 2 / The Psychedelic Furs, The David Bowie

David Bowie - Starman
Mates of State - Starman

Stone Roses - Shoot You Down
I Am the World Trade Center - Shoot You Down

Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash - Jackson
Pansy Division with Calvin Johnson - Jackson

Psychedelic Furs - The Ghost in You
Counting Crows - The Ghost in You
The Ghost of 29 Megacycles - The Ghost in You
Ribbon Fix - The Ghost in You

David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes
Boise Cover Band - Ashes to Ashes

David Bowie - Suffragette City
Get Up Kids - Suffragette City

Mark Lanegan - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia
Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia's Weighted Me Down

Talking Heads - Television Man
Man... or Astro-Man? - Television Man

[guilty pleasure]   a-Ha - Take on Me
Cap'n Jazz - Take on Me

Dead Moon - Hey Joe
The Bevis Frond - Hey Joe
The Make-Up - Hey Joe

Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way
Mineral - Love My Way

Show 49
Airdate: 11/16/2012
Theme: Covers Month Week 3 / R.E.M.

New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
Sonic Youth - Personality Crisis

Gary Numan - Down in the Park
Foo Fighters - Down in the Park

Wire - Strange
R.E.M. - Strange

Syd Barrett - Dark Globe
R.E.M. - Dark Globe

R.E.M. - Low
Jawbox - Low

The Promise Ring - A Picture Postcard
Tim Kinsella - A Picture Postcard
I Am the World Trade Center - A Picture Postcard

The Church - Under the Milky Way
The Comforters - Under the Milky Way

Halo Benders - Lonesome Sundown
Mirah - Lonesome Sundown
Slint - Cortez the Killer
Built to Spill - Cortez the Killer

[guilty pleasure]   Jennifer Paige - Crush
Dismemberment Plan - Crush

Spacemen 3 - Lord, Can You Hear Me?
Low - Lord, Can You Hear Me?
Spiritualized - Lord, Can You Hear Me?

Show 50
Airdate:  11/23/2012
Theme: Covers Month Week 4 / The Cure

The Cure - Shake Dog Shake
Shudder to Think - Shake Dog Shake

The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
Tuscadero - Boys Don't Cry

Lungfish - The Evidence
Joan of Arc - The Evidence

The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket
Afghan Whigs - Lost in the Supermarket

Love as Laughter - Singing Sores Make Perfect Swords
Built to Spill - Singing Sores Make Perfect Swords

Bonnie Prince Billy - I See a Darkness
Johnny Cash - I See a Darkness

Secret Stars - Whisper: Heart
Ida - Hearts Don't Break

The Cure - Just Like Heaven [live]
Dinosaur Jr. - Just Like Heaven

Belle and Sebastian - Sleep the Clock Around
Mates of State - Sleep the Clock Around

[guilty pleasure]   Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl
Jawbox - Cornflake Girl

The Cure - Killing an Arab
Frodus - Killing an Arab

The Cure - Close to Me [Single Mix]
Dismemberment Plan - Close to Me
Get Up Kids - Close to Me

Airdate: 11/30/2012
Theme: Covers Month Week 5 / Beat Happening / Joy Division / New Order 

*So, Kat and Deb reminded me that next week is the one-year anniversary of The Chandelier Swing. I must have lost count somewhere along the way, because this should be show 52.

Secret Stars - Shoe-In
Ida - Shoe-In

Beat Happening - Cast a Shadow
Cub - Cast a Shadow
Yo La Tengo - Cast a Shadow

Tortoise - Jetty
Isotope 217 - La Jetee`

Wire - Heartbeat
Big Black - Heartbeat
Low - Heartbeat

Joy Division - She's Lost Control
Girls Against Boys - She's Lost Control

Beat Happening - Bad Seeds
Teenage Fanclub - Bad Seeds

Beat Happening/Screaming Trees - Tales of Brave Aphrodite
Velocity Girl - Tales of Brave Aphrodite

New Order - Ceremony [Single Version]
Galaxie 500 - Ceremony [live]
Radiohead - Ceremony [live]

[guilty pleasure]   Grateful Dead - Ripple
Built to Spill - Ripple

Beat Happening - Indian Summer
Ben Gibbard - Indian Summer
R.E.M. - Indian Summer

New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle
Frente - Bizarre Love Triangle

Playlists 10-2012

Show 44
Airdate: 10/05/2012
Guest: Election Year

Sonic Youth - Stereo Sanctity
Girls Against Boys - Let Me Come Back
The Stooges - Penetration
His Name Shall Breathe - Waiting on the End of the War [live on the Chandelier Swing]
Eric's Trip - Girlfriend
Norman - Bellfountain Stars
Christie Front Drive - Saturday
Death Cab for Cutie - A Movie Script Ending
Track Star - Revenge Fantasy
Tsunami - The Match
Dub Narcotic Sound System - Bite
Some Velvet Sidewalk - Day Follows Night
Steve Fisk - Where's the Fire?
Fugazi - And the Same

Election Year Live Set
     Slow Train
     Old Man
     The Two Wars

Joy Division - Transmission
Bob Marley and the Wailers - Downpresser
[guilty pleasure]   Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time
The Walkabouts - Dead Man Rise
Appleseed Cast - Dreamland
Get Up Kids - Last Place You Look
Cap'n Jazz - Forget Who We Are
Archers of Loaf - Telepathic Traffic
Nirvana - Molly's Lips
Chamberlain - Street Singer

Show 45
Airdate: 10/12/2012
Theme: None

Twilight Singers - Esta Noche
Proudentall - Sharp Confessor
Nirvana - Sifting
MC5 - Sister Anne
Gang of Four - If I Could Keep It for Myself
CSS - Let's Reggae All Night
Feedtime - Motorbike Girl
Damien Jurado - Motorbike
The Hellacopters - Looking at Me
Guided By Voices - Gold Star for Robot Boy
Jad Fair - It Walks at Night
Atom and His Package - Head (She's Just A)
The B-52s - Private Idaho
The Presidents of the United States of America - Video Killed the Radio Star
Dan Jones - Find One Thing and Do It Right
Sleater-Kinney - The Fox [live]
The Cure - Just Say Yes [Curve Remix]
Handsome Furs - Bury Me Standing
The Fluid - Tomorrow
Mudhoney - Where Is the Future?
Sunny Day Real Estate - Song About an Angel
Joan of Arc - Didactic Prom / Please Sleep
The Epoxies - Stop the Future
[guilty pleasure]   Natalie Imbruglia - Torn [Fired Up Mix]
Dntel - (This is the) Dream of Evan and Chan [Superpitcher Kompakt Mix]
Talkdemonic - Starry Dynamo
Catherine Wheel - Fripp
Bonnie Prince Billy - Master and Everyone
Broken Hearts are Blue - Pax Indigo

Show 45
Airdate: 10/19/2012
Theme: Emergency Psychedelic Broadcast
This is a show I prerecorded circa June 2012, and kept in reserve in case I needed to suddenly be out of town. I needed it.

Appleseed Cast - Ring Out the Warning Bell
My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes
Landing - Landing Live Volume 1 (Untitled)
Low - Shots and Ladders
Brian Eno - 2/1
Bark Haze and Traum - Monolith: Jupiter
Cocteau Twins - Beatrix
[Guilty Pleasure]   Passengers (Brian Eno + U2) - Plot 180
Cocteau Twins - Beatrix
Built to Spill Caustic Resin - When Not Being Stupid Is Not Enough
Yume Bitsu - Song VII
Paper Canyons - Aeris

Show 46
Airdate: 10/26/2012
Guest DJ: Mick from Northwest Notes  


Playlists 09-2012

SEPTEMBER IS MIXTAPE MONTH on the Chandelier Swing!

Show 40
Airdate: 09/07/2012
Mixtape: Bootyshake 2000
Description: This is a mixtape that I made myself back in 2000, when I was sick of what I was currently listening to, and only wanted to dance. This tape is comprised of all old ('98 and prior) stuff-- some dancy indie, alternative remixes, 80s, fun stuff.

[Theme]   Promise Ring - Make Me a Mixtape

Modest Mouse - Summer
Dub Narcotic Sound System - Industrial Breakdown
U2 - Lemon [The Perfecto Mix]
New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle
The Cure - Close to Me [Closer Mix]
U2 - Staring at the Sun [Lab Rat Mix]
Brainiac - I Am a Cracked Machine
Devo - Whip It
Modest Mouse - The Fruit That Ate Itself

Brainiac - Fresh New Eyes
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
U2 - Salome [Zooromancer Mix]
New Order - True Faith '94
R.E.M. - King of Comedy [808 State Remix]
Smashing Pumpkins - Destination Unknown
Men Without Hats - Pop Goes the World
Erasure - Chorus
Atom and His Package - Avenger
The Make-Up - R U A Believer
764-HERO / Modest Mouse - Whenever You See Fit [DJ Dynomite D Mix]

[Bonus Tracks]
Octant - The Move
Internal / External - Ornery
C.O.C.O. - Move On

Show 41
Airdate: 09/14/2012
Mixtape: Stars
Description: I made this mixtape for my girlfriend back in 2001. I guess she liked it, because she stuck around. It's all stars-themed stuff, and it's easily both of our favorite mixtape ever.

Big Dipper Side:
Built to Spill - Big Dipper
Jejune - The Early Stars
Mineral - Sadder Star
Sonic Youth - Starfield Road
Man or Astro-Man? - Polaris
They Might Be Giants - See the Constellation
Velocity Girl - Gilded Stars
Low - Starfire
David Bowie - Starman
Braid - You're Lucky to Be Alive
Man or Astro-Man? - As Estrelas Agora Elas Estao Mortas
Hum - Stars
Catherine Wheel - Ursa Minor Space Station

Little Dipper Side:
Hum - Little Dipper
Modest Mouse - The Stars are Projectors
Belly - Star
Maya Shore - She Went to China
The Appleseed Cast - Stars [demo]
R.E.M. - Let Me In
Low - Stars Gone Out
The Secret Stars - Sleep, Star
Radiohead - Black Star
Foo Fighters - February Stars
Stone Roses - Your Star Will Shine
[Bonus Tracks]
Erasure - Star
Rebecca Gates - In a Star Orbit
A Weather - Oh My Stars

Show 42
Airdate: 09/21/2012
Mixtape : Kellee's Bad Ass Mix
Description: This mixtape was made for me by my friend Kellee from Washington DC in 1997. This was my first exposure to several of these bands, including some of my favorites like Halo Benders, Dub Narcotic, and the Make-Up.

Built to Spill - Car
The Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
764-HERO - Now You're Swimming
Heavenly - Hearts and Crosses
The Raymond Brake - The Long Sleep
Archers of Loaf - Web in Front [Speed of Cattle Version]
Throwing Muses - Not Too Soon
The Vaselines - Son of a Gun
The Pixies - Gigantic
Sloan - Deeper than Beauty
Halo Benders - Volume Mode
Slant 6 - Don't You Ever

Archers of Loaf - Audio Whore [live]
Frank Black - Brackish Boy
Dub Narcotic Sound System - Industrial Breakdown
Built to Spill - Make Up Dreams
The Pixies - I've Been Tired
The Connells - New Boy [live]
The Make-Up - R U A Believer / The Final Comedown / Don't Mind the Mind [live]
Sloan - Bells On
764-HERO - Dodge

[Bonus Tracks]
Treble Charger - Mercury Smile
Catherine Wheel - Ma Solituda
Swervedriver - In the City
Nation of Ulysses - Shakedown
Sebadoh - Sing Something / Plate o' Hatred
Halo Benders - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

Show 43
Airdate: 09/28/2012
Mixtape : Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Mix
Description: I made this mixtape out of MP3s (many of them recently ripped from my cassette collection) back in 2009 while rereading the 6th Harry Potter book before the movie came out. Since I had cassettes on the mind, although I didn't make this mix on cassette, I definitely limited it to 90 minutes on two equal sides. This mix is heavy on the british stuff (as those wizards have adorable accents), and vaguely corresponds with the plot of the book.

Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill
Forty Nine Hudson - Seven Floors Up [demo]
Afghan Whigs - Rot
The Van Pelt - The Speeding Train
Belle and Sebastian - Sleep the Clock Around
Stereolab - French Disko [BBC Session]
Chumbawamba - Timebomb
Ralf Youtz - It's Okay
Ida - Encantada [demo]
Depeche Mode - Leave in Silence [UK Single Version]
Coldplay - Death and All His Friends

James - Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)
Bonnie Prince Billy - Death to Everyone [live]
Girls Against Boys - One Dose of Truth
Radiohead - Lucky
Low - Embrace
Landing - Constellations
Joan of Arc - The Surrender #1
Dragon, Magicorn, and the Flames of Fire - Fallen
Sigur Ros - Glosoli

Playlists 08-2012

Show 35
Airdate: 08/03/2012
Theme: None

Mudhoney - Empty Shells
Hazel - Day Glo
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - Bees
Murder City Devils - Boom Swagger Boom
Norman - Blue and Black
Some By Sea - Pale Wonder with Dark Eyes
Stone Roses - One Love [12 Inch Version]
The Spinanes - 10 Metre Platform
R.E.M. - Fall on Me
Rainer Maria - Feeling Neglected?
Typhoon - Rolling Credits (Mutant Version)
Quasi - It's Raining
Built to Spill - Strange
Stella Brass - Fine Day for the Lake
Baptist Generals - Going Back Song
Loch Lomond - Blue Lead Fences
Super XX Man - Crazy People
Heroic Doses - Heroic Theme Song
Earth - Tallahassee
Fugazi - Furniture
Oxford Collapse - For the Winter Coats
[Guilty Pleasure]   Prince - When Doves Cry
Gang of Four - Second Life
Boys Life - Sight Unseen
Modest Mouse - A Life of Arctic Sounds
Built to Spill Caustic Resin - Brown Eyes
Mates of State - True Love Will Find You in the End

Punk Rock With Dropkick Subbin' Special
Airdate: 08/08/2012
Theme: Indie/Punk

Black Flag - Forever Time
Husker Du - New Day Rising
Rites of Spring - Deeper Than Inside
Egg Hunt - We All Fall Down
Beat Happening - Bewitched
Sunny Day Real Estate - Flatland Spider
Cap'n Jazz - In the Clear [7" Version]
Friction - Auburn
Jawbox - Excandescent
Quicksand - Thorn in My Side
Jawbreaker - Shield Your Eyes
Samiam - Bad Day
Stella Brass - Click
Blueprint - Dream and Weep
Texas Is the Reason - If It's Here When We Get Back, It's Ours
Get Up Kids - Woodson
Knapsack - Thursday Side of the Street
Chamberlain - Street Singer
Cursive - Downhill Racers
Thrice - Identity Crisis
Seven Storey Mountain - If I
Christie Front Drive - Long Out
Jimmy Eat World - Robot Factory
[Guilty Pleasure]   Blink 182 - Emo
Archers of Loaf - Audio Whore [live]
Fugazi - Public Witness Program
Eric's Trip - Float
Q and Not U - When the Lines Go Down
Rye Coalition - The Higher the Hair, the Closer to God
Dismemberment Plan - Wouldn't You Like to Know?
Bluetip - Past Tense
New End Original - Lukewarm

Show 36
Airdate: 08/10/2012
Theme: Just Like a Simile 

[live broadcast of Warble Records artists from The Great Idea at Enchanted Forest]

764-Hero - Out LIKE a Light
Some Velvet Sidewalk - Eyes LIKE Yours
Man... or Astro-man? - LIKE a Giant Microwave
Death Cab for Cutie - We Looked LIKE Giants
Gang of Four - Love LIKE Anthrax
Drive LIKE Jehu - Bullet Train to Vegas [live]
Girls Against Boys - In LIKE Flynn
Modest Mouse - Teeth LIKE God's Shoeshine
Built to Spill - The Plan [from Keep It LIKE a Secret]
Weinland - Sick AS a Gun
The Cure - Just LIKE Heaven [live]
Proudentall - Instrumental LIKE a Compass
Radiohead - LIKE Spinning Plates [live]
Ida - Honeyslide [from Heart LIKE a River]
Norman - LIKE a Tree
Love AS Laughter - Coast to Coast
Tsunami - Stupid LIKE a Fox
Super XX Man - Cautious LIKE a Panther
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - Hungry LIKE a Tiger
Verona - Heart LIKE Locomotive
[guilty pleasure]   Duran Duran - Hungry LIKE the Wolf
Chamberlain - Yellow LIKE Gold
Hoover - Cuts LIKE Drugs
Low - LIKE a Forest
Love AS Laughter - Druggachussetts

Show 37
Airdate: 08/17/2012
Theme: Dollar Bin Finds

Low - Because You Stood Still
Bonnie Prince Billy - Sweeter Than Anything
Super XX Man - Collecting Rocks
Jeremy Enigk - Abegail Anne
The Shins - Spilt Needles [Alternate Version]
Jay Farrar - Cahokian
Norman - Fire & Ice
The Breeders - Night of Joy
Sentridoh - Stronger
Mary Timony - Blood Tree
James - Born of Frustration
Catherine Wheel - Broken Nose
Modest Mouse - March Into the Sea
Roadside Monument - Eight Hours Away from Being a Man
Ativin - King's Ship
Red Stars Theory - Thick with the Paint Swaying
The Swords Project - Immigracion
Hosannas - The People I Know
[guilty pleasure]   Sponge - Plowed
R.E.M. - Sponge
Radiohead - Prove Yourself
Mates of State - Maracas
Tobin Sprout - Exit Planes
New Pornographers - The Bleeding Heart Show
Modest Mouse - BMX Crash
Super Deluxe - Suitcases

Show 38
Airdate: 08/24/2012
Theme: None

Heroic Doses - Crystals
Man... or Astro-Man? - Specify Gravity
Mary Timony - Look a Ghost in the Eye
Polvo - In This Life
The Vaselines - The Day I Was a Horse Again [live]
Promise Ring - Everywhere in Denver
Sunny Day Real Estate - Guitar and Video Games
Trembling Blue Stars - The Ghost of an Unkissed Kiss
Starflyer 59 - First Heart Attack
Dead Can Dance - The Snake and the Moon
Juno - The Sea Looked Like Lead
Stereolab - Fluorescences
CSS - Believe Achieve
Plexi - Forest Ranger
Feedtime - All Down
Earth (featuring Kurt Cobain and Kelly Canary) - Divine and Bright
Teen Angels - Go Away
Wire - Three Girl Rhumba
Belly - Super-Connected
Arlo - Working Title
New York Dolls - Pills
Chain and the Gang - Free Will
[guilty pleasure]   Roxette - Fading Like a Flower
Texas Is the Reason - The Magic Bullet Theory
Vitreous Humor - She Eats Her Esses
R.E.M. - Harborcoat
Codeine - Pea
Lackthereof - Chest Pass (Your Anchor)
Mill Race - Sub-Ballad of the Chain-Link Halo
Radiohead - The Butcher

Show 39
Airdate: 08/31/2012
Theme: None

Typhoon - Claws, Pt. 1
Incredible Force of Junior - Stronger
Get Up Kids - Second Place
Beauty Pill - Goodnight for Real
Frausdots - Fashion Death Trends
Master Slash Slave - You Never Write
Pink Floyd - Time [Kalaloch Dark Side of the Rainbow Mix]
Tortoise - Along the Banks of Rivers
Combustible Edison - 52
Kevin Rafn - Eff the Ineffable
The Walkabouts - Long Black Veil [live]
Boise Cover Band - Ashes to Ashes
Kelley Stoltz - Something More
Black Whales - Books on Tape
Girls Against Boys - BFF
Sunny Day Real Estate - 47
Afghan Whigs - Lovecrimes
The Hellacopters - Action De Grace [live]
His Name Shall Breathe - Iron and Steel [Chandelier Session]
[guilty pleasure]   The Stanley Brothers - Little Glass of Wine
Gob Iron - Wayside Tavern
Slint - Glenn
Rites of Spring - Theme
Red Hot Valentines - One Last Kiss
The Microphones - After N. Young
Low - Violent Past

Playlists 07-2012

Show 31
Airdate: 07/06/2012
Theme: Blitzen Trapper, WTF? / Summer / 4th of July  

Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You
Rye Coalition - We Ride
Sunny Day Real Estate - Rodeo Jones
Blitzen Trapper - Destroyer of the Void
Mike Watt + Eddie Vedder - Against the 70s
Sex Pistols - No Feelings
Blitzen Trapper - The Man Who Would Speak True
Frausdots - Dead Wrong
Man or Astro-Man? - Specify Gravity
Shellac - Rambler Song
Juned - Hearts to Bleed
Radiohead - Let Down
Rebecca Gates - & & &
Jenny Toomey - Word Traffic
Landing - Crows
Startle Easilies - Destroy the Arts
Silver Scooter - Whatever Happened to Me?
Stone Roses - Fools Gold
764-HERO - History Lessons
Carissa's Wierd - Phantom Fireworks
[Guilty Pleasure]   Roxette - Fireworks
Braid - Milwaukee Sky Rocket
Soundgarden - 4th of July
Cat Power - Rockets
Damien Jurado - Independent
Jimmy Eat World - Just Watch the Fireworks
Promise Ring - American Girl [v.02]

Show 32
Airdate: 7/13/2012
Guest DJ: Sean

(lost to the sands of time...)

Show 33
Airdate: 7/20/2012
Theme: None

Some By Sea - There's a Line in the Sand, Are You Afraid to Cross It?
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Nomadic Revery (All Around)
Talkdemonic - City Sleep
The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make?
The Cure - Cut [live]
Appleseed Cast - Antihero [demo]
David Byrne - Big Business
Yume Bitsu - Song IX
Juned - Pretty New Song
Sebadoh - Skull
Octant - Prolicane
Brainiac - Vincent, Come On Down
Six Finger Satellite - Padded Room
The Epoxies - Bathroom Stall
Girls Against Boys - Kill the Sexplayer
Jawbox - Motorist
Rob Dickinson - Handsome
Neutral Milk Hotel - Ghost/Untitled
[Guilty Pleasure]   Nicki French - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Possum Dixon - In Buildings
Halo Benders - On a Tip
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - Billy Bird
Startle Easilies - Destroy the Arts
Rainer Maria - Save My Skin
Centaur - Thimbles

Show 34
Airdate: 7/27/2012
Guest DJ: DJ Dropkick


Playlists 06-2012

Show 26
Airdate: 06/01/2012
Theme: None

David Bazan - Lost My Shape
Weinland - Gold
L.A.K.E. - Gravel
Carissa's Wierd - Die
Sleeping Bag - Rental
Finn Riggins - Benchwarmers
Finn Riggins - Plural
Massive Moth - Secret Powers
Joan of Arc - Joan of Arc Presents Joan of Arc [excerpt]
Jimmy Eat World - Robot Factory
Sense Field - Every Reason
Compound Red - Versus the Ocean
Camber - Clean
Juno - You Are the Beautiful Conductor of This Orchestra
Death by Steamship - North Star Blues
Death by Steamship - Smoke and Sweat
Soundgarden - Nothing to Say
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
Hive Dwellers - Messed Up and Ramblin'
Dub Narcotic Sound System - Shake a Puddin' [7" Version]
[guilty pleasure]   Spice Girls - Say You'll Be There
Dismemberment Plan - Gyroscope
The Maxines - (Gotta Talk About My) Heartbeat
Jazz June - Red Light District
Tara Jane O'Neil - The Poisoned Mine
Sebadoh - Punching Myself in the Face Repeatedly, Publicly
Easterly - Hey Girl
Built to Spill - Out of Site

Show 27
Airdate: 06/08/2012
Theme: none

Jimmy Eat World - Opener
Catherine Wheel - Pain
Rodan - Big Things, Little Things [Peel Session]
Joan of Arc - Night Life Style
Finn Riggins - Arrow
Retribution Gospel Choir - Easy Prey
Shipping News - The Photoelectric Effect
The Smiths - Death at One's Elbow
Death by Steamship - Smoke and Sweat
Death by Steamship - Hipster Holiday
Juned - So White
The Hardship Post - Watchin' You
Pond - Filterless
Fugazi - Styrofoam
John Linnell - South Carolina
Blue Rags - Ragtime Band
Tortoise - Eden 2
Low - Always Fade
Sonic Youth - Mote
Sigur Ros - E-Bow (6)
[Guilty Pleasure]   NSync - Bye Bye Bye
The Stone Roses - What the World Is Waiting For
The Police - King of Pain
Man or Astro-Man? - Transmissions from Venus
Death by Steamship - Cuter Girls Ride Bikes
Hive Dwellers - Nothin' But the Buryin'
Tender Trap - The Face of '73
Psychedelic Furs - Should God Forget

Show 28
Airdate: 06/15/2012
Theme: Interconnected Musicians

Pavement - Gold Soundz (Stephen Malkmus, Spiral Stairs)
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Us (Stephen Malkmus, John Moen)
Dharma Bums - Stayed Up Late (John Moen)
The Decemberists - The Rake's Song (John Moen)
The Spinanes - For No One Else (John Moen, Scott Plouf)
Built to Spill - Traces (Scott Plouf, Doug Martsch)
Halo Benders - Volume Mode (Doug Martsch, Calvin Johnson)
Beat Happening - T.V. Girl (Calvin Johnson)
Modest Mouse - Head South (Calvin Johnson, Isaac Brock)
Ugly Casanova - Cat Faces (Isaac Brock, Brian Deck, Tim Rutili)
Califone - Trout Silk (Tim Rutili, Brian Deck, Benny Massarella)
Rex - Waterbug (Brian Deck, Benny Massarella, Doug Scharin, Bundy K. Brown)
Tortoise - Magnet Pulls Through (Bundy K. Brown)
June of 44 - Does Your Heart Beat Slower (Bundy K. Brown, Doug Scharin, Jeff Mueller)
Shipping News - A Simple Halo (Jeff Mueller, Jason Noble)
Rodan - Jungle Jim (Jeff Mueller, Jason Noble, Tara Jane O'Neil)
Tara Jane O'Neil - A Ways Away (herself, Dan Littleton)
Ida - Shotgun (Dan Littleton, Bernie Worrell)
[guilty pleasure]   Parliament - Flash Light (Bernie Worrell)
Talking Heads - Girlfriend is Better (Bernie Worrell, David Byrne)
10,000 Maniacs featuring David Byrne - Let the Mystery Be (David Byrne, Natalie Merchant)
Billy Bragg and Wilco - Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key (Natalie Merchant, Wilco)
Preston School of Industry - Get Your Crayons Out (Wilco, Spiral Stairs)
Pavement - Here (Spiral Stairs, Stephen Malkmus)

Show 29
Airdate: 06/22/2012
Theme: Summer Jamz

Red Hot Valentines - Wait for Summer
Nirvana - On a Plain
The Breeders - Cannonball
Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar
Smashing Pumpkins - Muzzle
Foo Fighters - This Is a Call
R.E.M. - Undertow [live]
Weezer - No Other One
Soul Coughing - Soft Serve
Secret Stars - Andy and Girls
Jimmy Eat World - Call It in the Air
Joan of Arc - To've Had Two Of
Braid - Killing a Camera
Modest Mouse - Summer
Dub Narcotic Sound System - Industrial Breakdown
Sunny Day Real Estate - Disappear
The Promise Ring - Skips a Beat (Over You)
R.E.M. - Imitation of Life
Landing - Summer Song
Rainer Maria - CT Catholic
Hey Mercedes - Quality Revenge at Last
I Am the World Trade Center - Future Sightings
Stereolab - Les Yper-Sound
[guilty pleasure]   Kesha - Tik Tok
Mates of State - Fluke
Low - Like a Forest
Blind Pilot - One Red Thread
Mineral - Gloria
Typhoon - The Honest Truth
Wolfie - Don't Turn It Off
The Cure - The Last Day of Summer

Show 30
Airdate: 06/29/12
Theme: None

Trembling Blue Stars - With Every Story
Rainer Maria - Already Lost
Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates
The Promise Ring - Get on the Floor
Landing - Heart Finds the Beat
Death Cab for Cutie - Styrofoam Plates
Sunny Day Real Estate - 8
Modest Mouse - Satin in a Coffin
Oxford Collapse - Birthday Wars
Soundgarden - 4th of July
Mineral - July
Rebecca Gates - Suite Sails
The Vaselines - Son of a Gun
Wooden Indian Burial Ground - My Bones They Are Naked
Wire - I Am the Fly
Get Up Kids - I'm a Loner, Dottie... A Rebel [7" Version]
Jared Mees and the Grown Children - W.W.J.B.D.
Mates of State - Goods (All in Your Head)
Hospitality - Eighth Avenue
Yume Bitsu - Song Three
[Guilty Pleasure]   Purple & Green - Invisible
Dntel - (This Is) The Dream of Evan and Chan
Finn Riggins - Parkour
Joan of Arc - Queasy Lynn
Low - Last Snowstorm of the Year
Afghan Whigs - See and Don't See
Velour 100 - Ambivalence

Playlists 05-2012

Show 22
Airdate: 05/04/2012
Theme: Houses and Homes

Chris Walla - Everyone Needs a Home
Hello Morning - Come Home
Shudder to Think - Red House [version 3]
Hey Mercedes - The House Shook
Massive Moth - House on Holiday Hill
Mates of State - Hoarding It for Home
Memory Map - House Sitting
Some Velvet Sidewalk - Empty House
Dragging an Ox Through Water - Houses and Homunculi
Shipping News - Half a House
Evergreen - Home, So Possibly Home
The Cure - In Your House
Typhoon - Summer Home
Easterly - Coming Home
Psychedelic Furs - House
The Breeders - Lime House
Modest Mouse - Sunspots in the House of the Late Scapegoat
Madness - Our House
Get Up Kids - Close to Home
Hum - Comin' Home
Shellac - House Full of Garbage
[Guilty Pleasure]   Phil Collins - Take Me Home
Talking Heads - Houses in Motion
Radiohead - House of Cards
Norman - Home
Low - Home

Morning Show Special
Airdate: 05/08/2012
Theme: 80s Synthpop

Yaz(oo) - Don't Go
New Order - True Faith
Animotion - Obsession
Information Society - What's on Your Mind?
The Cure - The Upstairs Room
Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died in Your Arms
Depeche Mode - Stories of Old
Duran Duran - View to a Kill
Psychedelic Furs - Until She Comes
Anything Box - Living in Oblivion
Erasure - Chorus
Echo and the Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar
Roxette - Secrets That She Keeps
Thompson Twins - The Gap
Men at Work - Who Can It Be Now?
Midnight Oil - Beds are Burning
[Guilty Pleasure]   Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Cause and Effect - You Think You Know Her
Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home)
Men Without Hats - Where Do the Boys Go?
Modern English - I Melt With You

Show 23
Airdate: 05-11-2012
Theme: Spring Pledge Drive

Five Style - Pledge Drive
Sunny Day Real Estate - In Circles [Edit]
Massive Moth - Televangelist
Seven Storey Mountain - Incomplete
Girls Against Boys - One Dose of Truth
Of Montreal - Authentic Pyrrhic Remission
His Name Shall Breathe - Unknown (Song for Iko) [Chandelier Session]
Whiskey Priest - Ten Good Reasons [Chandelier Session]
Secret Stars - Alienation #3
Mill Race - Spring-Loaded Winter
Norman - Bellfountain Stars
Halo Benders - Virginia Reel Around the Fountain
Mineral - &Serenading
[Guilty Pleasure]   Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (Featuring Stephane Grapelli)
Typhoon - Happy People
Pavement - Cut Your Hair
Cap'n Jazz - Little League
Mirah - Location Temporary
Braid - The Chandelier Swing

Show 24
Airdate: 05-18-2012
Theme: None

Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot
Sleater-Kinney - Everything
Death By Steamship - Cuter Girls Ride Bikes
Sunny Day Real Estate - The Blankets Were the Stairs
Juned - Waiting for Prince (Hungarious)
Satisfact - Standard Error
Godspeed You Black Emperor - Static [excerpt]
Radiohead - Little By Little
Afghan Whigs - Somethin' Hot
Easterly - Stoned Alone
The Bongos - Certain Harbours
Berry - Out
764-HERO - You Were the Long Way Home
Braid - Universe or Worse
Hive Dwellers - Somebody's Phone Is Ringing
Bark, Hide, and Horn - Grandfather
June of 44 - Doomsday
Whiskey Priest - Kid [Chandelier Session]
M Ward - Me and My Shadow
[Guilty Pleasure]   Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now
Eric's Trip - My Bed Is Red
White Rainbow - Disco Plate:
     The Making of Thriller
     The Making of Star Wars
Tortoise - I Set My Face to the Hillside
Scud Mountain Boys - Freight of Fire

Show 25
Airdate: 05/25/2012
Theme: Country Music 

Uncle Tupelo - Slate
Johnny Cash - When Papa Played the Dobro
Scud Mountain Boys - Combine
Ugly Casanova - Barnacles
R.E.M. - (Don't Go Back To) Rockville
Meat Puppets - Plateau
Nirvana - Ain't It a Shame
Supersuckers - Must've Been High
Son Volt - Route
The Carter Family - I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Master and Everyone
Bill Monroe - Blue Moon of Kentucky
Tortoise - Lonesome Sound
Papa M - Knocking the Casket
Mill Race - Sub-Ballad of the Chain-Link Halo
Dragging an Ox Through Water - Snowbank Treatment
Whip - Down By Blood
Modest Mouse - Cowboy Dan
Rex - Jet
Blue Rags - Movin' On
[Guilty Pleasure]   The Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl
Jay Farrar and Ben Gibbard - All in One
Pine Hill Haints - Tales of Crime (Part 1)
Magnetic Fields - Goin' Back to the Country
Dharma Bums - Farmyard
Richard Buckner - Lucky Buzz
Destruction Island - Putting Down the Dog
Rye Coalition - We Ride
Scud Mountain Boys - Wichita Lineman

Playlists 04-2012

Sons of Salem Guest Show
Airdate: 04-02-2012
Theme: Split 7"s

Braid / Pohgoh Split:
  Braid - What a Wonderful Puddle
  Pohgoh - Goodnight, Sweetheart

Jimmy Eat World / Jejune Split:
  Jejune - That's Why She Hates Me
                The Early Stars
  Jimmy Eat World - What Would I Say to You Now
                                Speed Read

L.A.K.E. / Typhoon Split:
  L.A.K.E. - You Know What's Right
                   When the Earth Was Flat
  Typhoon - Shallows
                  The Rate at Which Life Depreciates

Mates of State / Fighter D split:
  Fighter D - Storm
  Mates of State - Leave Me at the Tree

Maya Shore / Lyndal Control split:
  Maya Shore - Guilt
  Lyndal Control - Second Chance

Boys Life / Giants Chair split:
  Boys Life - Worn Thin
  Giants Chair - Ever Present

Tsunami / Superchunk Split:
  Tsunami - She Cracked
  Superchunk - Kicked In [acoustic]

Promise Ring / Texas Is the Reason split:
  Texas Is the Reason - Blue Boy
  The Promise Ring - E. Texas Ave

Get Up Kids / Coalesce split:
  The Get Up Kids - Burned Bridges
[guilty pleasure:]    Coalesce - I'm Giving Up on This One

Mineral / Sense Field / Jimmy Eat World split:
  Jimmy Eat World - Secret Crush
  Sense Field - Every Reason
  Mineral - Crazy

Thirty Ought Six / Gern Blanston split:
  Gern Blanston - Headbag
  Thirty Ought Six - Radon

The Black Black Black / The Last Slice of Butter split:
  The Last Slice of Butter - Mr. Cat
  The Black Black Black - I'm Social, I Was Born with a Taste for Blood
                                    Chord Organ: I'm Not That Special

Show 18
Airdate: 04/06/2012
Theme: Easter / Christianity in Indie Rock

Neutral Milk Hotel - The King of Carrot Flowers, Parts 1 - 3
Doug Martsch - Woke Up This Morning (With My Mind on Jesus)
Nirvana - They Hung Him on a Cross
Make-Up - Wade in the Water [live]
Pixies - Levitate Me
U2 - A Celebration
Young Fresh Fellows - Amy Grant
Poor Old Lu - Receive
Fold Zandura - Forever Throw
Velour 100 - Ambivalence
Starflyer 59 - The Hearttaker
Zao - Exchange
Rose Blossom Punch - Windswept
Jeremy Enigk - Carnival
Jeremy Enigk - Christ Has Risen [live]
Pedro the Lion - Promise
Sufjan Stevens - We Won't Need Legs to Stand
Low - The Plan
His Name Shall Breathe - Leave the Lights On [Chandelier Session]
Whiskey Priest - Nothing New
Easterly - Coming Home
[Guilty Pleasure]   Saint - The Ascent / The Blade
Trees of Lyres - Echoes
Mineral - GJS
Jason Gough - Calvary
Kevin Schlereth - Centrifuge
Poor Old Lu - Bones are Breaking
Stone Roses - I Am the Resurrection

Another Sons of Salem Guest Show
Airdate: 04/09/2012
Theme: More Split 7"s

Samuel / Texas Is the Reason Split:
   Texas Is the Reason - Something to Forget
   Samuel - The Leaving Kind

Days in December / Sweater Weather Split
   Days in December - Main-in-Vine
   Sweater Weather - Wisconsin

Emo Schmeemo
   Gila Bend - My Dream Locomotive
   Orwell - 4242
   Cinco de Gatos - What's Wrong With Butterfly Sugar?
   Braid - To Kiss a Trumpet Player

The Association of Utopian Hologram Swallowers
   The Love of Everything - Keep Off of Me
                                      Proud by Looking Around
   Joan of Arc - Violencii or Violencum
   Owen - I'm Not Seventeen
   Make Believe - Small Apartment Party Epiphany
                        One Second Wide and Weeks Deep
   People Dick - People Dick

NME Pollwinners 1984
   Bronski Beat - Hard Rain
   Cocteau Twins - Ivo [New Version]
   The Smiths - What She Said [live]
   U2 - Wire [Dub]

Jimmy Eat World / Blueprint Split:
   Jimmy Eat World - Christmas Card
   Blueprint - In-Between Angels

Postmarked Stamps #4
   The Get Up Kids - I'm a Loner, Dotti... A Rebel
   Braid - Forever Got Shorter

Shopping Spree!
   Atom and His Package - Shopping Spree
[guilty pleasure]   Har Mar Superstar - Shopping Spree

Mates of State / Dear Nora Split:
   Mates of State - These Days
   Dear Nora - The Girl From the North Country

Built to Spill / Marine Research Split:
   Marine Research - Sick and Wrong
   Built to Spill - By the Way

Unwound / Versus Split:
   Unwound - Torch Song
   Versus - All in Doubt 

Show 19
Airdate: 04/13/2012
Theme: Miscellaneous / Edgar's Third Birthday

June of 44 - Of Information and Belief
The Bloody Muse - Guitars in the Forest
Forty Nine Hudson - Mountain Laurel, Lovely, It's Lovely
Joan of Arc - Vine on a Wire
Octant - Mince Up
Tender Forever - The Road Was Unkind
Severin - People Are Wrong
Silver Scooter - Returning
Eric's Trip - Lost
Starflyer 59 - When You Feel Miserable
Mineral - February
Built to Spill - Three Years Ago Today
Typhoon - The Honest Truth
David Bazan - Please, Baby, Please
Damien Jurado - Motorbike
Bob Marley and the Wailers - Three Little Birds
Mates of State - Now
Ramones - Sheena Is a Punk Rocker
Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty
Low - Sunshine
[Guilty Pleasure]   Pia Robbins - Little Bird, Little Bird
Promise Ring - B Is for Bethlehem
Rose Blossom Punch - See It in Me
Poor Old Lu - Lie, Lie, Lie
Horse Feathers + The Portland Cello Project - Mother's Sick
His Name Shall Breathe - To Die Alone [Chandelier Session]
Earth - Coda Maestoso in F (Flat) Major

Show 20
Airdate: 04/20/2012
Guest: Whiskey Priest

Sebadoh - Careful
Shudder to Think - Summertime Train
Nebula - Do It Now
Rye Coalition - Stairway to the Free Bird on the Way to the Smokey Water
Zeke - Arkansas Man
Karp - How Si Si How
Juno - The Non-Equivalents
The Promise Ring - Why Did Ever We Meet
Ida - First Light
American Analog Set - The Only One
Ghost to Falco - Comfort Series #2
R.E.M. - Crazy
Sunny Day Real Estate - 5/4

Whiskey Priest Chandelier Session
     Find Me Here
     Ten Good Reasons
     Government Job

Hive Dwellers - Lynch the Swan
[Guilty Pleasure]   Men Without Hats - Antarctica
Imperial Teen - Runaway
Death By Steamship - North Star Blues
Pictures Can Tell - More Than That
Modest Mouse - Interstate 8
Two Percent Majesty - Color
Damien Jurado - Ocean Shores 97

Show 21
Airdate: 04/27/2012
Theme: Car Songs

Madder Rose - Car Song
Built to Spill - Car
Catherine Wheel - Black Metallic
Mirah - Engine Heart
Superchunk - Driveway to Driveway
The Promise Ring - Make Me a Chevy
The Sonics - Boss Hoss
Eric Lovre - Gas Hog Blues
Samiam - Simca
Maritime - German Engineering
The Stone Roses - Driving South
Satisfact - Escapism for the Future
The Arcade Fire - No Cars Go
Smart Went Crazy - Sugar in Your Gas Tank
Modest Mouse - Fire It Up
Girls Against Boys - Stay in the Car
Braid - That Car Came Out of Nowhere
Beat Happening - Drive Car Girl
Damien Jurado - Broken Chain
Radiohead - Killer Cars [live acoustic]
The Breeders - Forced to Drive
Son Volt - Looking at the World Through a Windshield
The Courney Love - Motorcycle Boy
Possum Dixon - She Drives
Calvin Johnson with members of Marine Research - Ambulance Driver Blues
[guilty pleasure]   Depeche Mode - Behind the Wheel / Route 66 Megamix
Karate - Gasoline
The Comforters - Driving Off the Edge of the World
R.E.M. - Drive
Christie Front Drive - Turn
Jejune - Drive By Negly

Yet Another Sons of Salem Guest Show
Airdate: 04/30/2012
Theme: None (Vinyl Only)

Modest Mouse - Night on the Sun
Boys Life - Two Wheeled Train
Thirty Ought Six - Wheeler
Fugazi - Runaway Return
Braid - Breathe In
The Spinanes - Hawaiian Baby
Stella Brass - Collect
Eric Lovre - These Foolsih Things
Dharma Bums - Pigweeds
The Left Banke - Pretty Ballerina
Ida - I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight
Blind Pilot - We Are the Tide
Joan of Arc - Fogbow
Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates
U2 - New Years Day [US Remix]
Boy Eats Drum Machine - The Crack in the Sea
Q and Not U - Ten Thousand Animal Calls
Mineral - Gloria
Sunny Day Real Estate - Killed By an Angel
[guilty pleasure]   Genesis - Invisible Touch
Built to Spill - They Got Away
Guided By Voices - Drag Days
Lungfish - Idiot Vehicle
The Jam - Going Underground
Wolfie - VFW
Hey Mercedes - Stay Six

Playlists 03-2012

Show 13
Airdate: 03/02/2012
Theme: Boy-Girl Duets

Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash - Darlin' Companion [live]
Mates of State - Hoarding It for Home
X - Blue Spark
The Postal Service - Nothing Better [Styrofoam Remix]
I Am the World Trade Center - Deny It
Ruby Fray with Calvin Johnson - Mint Ice Cream
Modest Mouse - Sleepwalkin'
Ida - Little Things
Jejune - Hialeah
The Spinanes with Sam Prekop - Reach v. Speed
Landing - Coming Down
Low - Little Argument With Myself
Afghan Whigs - Ready
Murmuring Pines - Nocturne
Eric Lovre and Lisa Legros - Mirror on the Wall
Ribbon Fix - The Ghost In You
Catherine Wheel with Tanya Donelly - Judy Staring at the Sun
Sonic Youth - Titanium Expose' [demo]
Rainer Maria - Breakfast of Champions
Chain and the Gang - What Is a Dollar?
Richard and Linda Thompson - Night Comes In
[Guilty Pleasure]   Roxette - Things Will Never Be the Same [live acoustic]
Talking Heads - Heaven [live]
Some By Sea - Fables (Kentucky Social)
R.E.M. with Kate Pierson - Me in Honey
Calvin Johnson with Mirah - Ode to St. Valentine
Heavenly with Calvin Johnson - C is the Heavenly Option
Jenny Toomey and Franklin Bruno - Let's Stay In
Death Cab for Cutie - Line of Best Fit [demo]

Show 14
Airdate 03/09/12
Theme: Questionable Advice

Camper Van Beethoven - Take the Skinheads Bowling
Wooden Indian Burial Ground - Open Another Bottle
Deerhoof - Behold a Marvel in the Darkness
Blue Ontario - Give Up Your Ghost
My Bloody Valentine - Feed Me With Your Kiss
June of 44 - Cut Your Face
Belle and Sebastian - Sleep the Clock Around
The Regrets - Play With Yourself Until You Faint
Modest Mouse - Bury Me With It
Startle Easilies - Destroy the Arts
Wesley Willis - Rock Saddam Hussein's Ass
The Ramones - Beat on the Brat
The Promise Ring - Gouge Away
Rye Coalition - Stop Eating While I'm Smoking
Pavement - Spit on a Stranger
Talking Heads - Don't Worry About the Government
Possum Dixon - Go West
Braid - Please Drive Faster
Heavy Vegetable - Listen to This Song, Kill Pigs, and Try to Sue Me
Kendl Winter - Fill My Glass
Nikki McClure - Procreate
Whiskey Priest - Seek Ye First
Low - Try to Sleep [acoustic version]
The Van Pelt - Don't Make Me Walk My Own Log
[Guilty Pleasure]   Phil Collins - Burn Down the Mission
Madder Rose - Panic On
Girls Against Boys - Kill the Sexplayer
Kerosene 454 - Stab Your Eyes
Some Velvet Sidewalk - Refuse
Joan of Arc - Let's Wrestle
Evergreen (CA) - Laugh at Every Question

Show 15
Airdate: 03/16/2012
Theme: St. Patrick's Day

Flogging Molly - Float
Shipping News - March Song
Secret Rocker - Rock Drill
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday [live]
Cinco de Gatos - Ireland
Sonic Youth - Bull in the Heather
Typhoon - Green [demo]
The Cranberries - Wanted
Maritime - The Birds of Ireland
Flogging Molly - Devil's Dance Floor
Love Spit Love - Green
Richard and Linda Thompson - The End of the Rainbow
The Edge and Sinead O'Connor - Heroine
Volcano, I'm Still Excited!! - In Green
Jets to Brazil - Lucky Charm
Delta Haymax - Four Leaf Clover
Evergreen (CA) - My Irish Lady
U2 - Tomorrow [live]
Tsunami - Lucky
Talkdemonic - March Movement
Helium - Pat's Trick
[Guilty Pleasure]   Enya - Triad: St. Patrick / CĂș Chulainn / Oisin
The Cranberries - Daffodil Lament
Radiohead - Lucky
The Pogues - Whiskey You're the Devil
Hum - Green to Me
Jesus Lizard - Monkey Trick [live]
Flogging Molly - What's Left of the Flag

Sons of Salem Special Substitute Show
Airdate: 03/19/2012
Theme: All Vinyl 

The Gutter Twins - The Stations
Sunny Day Real Estate - Seven
Jeremy Enigk - Return of the Frog Queen
Typhoon - White Liars
Stella Brass - Cower
Modest Mouse - Grey Ice Water
Shellac - Shoe Song
Girls Against Boys - Magattraction
Death By Steamship - Hipster Holiday
Cursive - Tides Rush In
Landing - Feel, and the Seas Fill
The Spinanes - Winter on Ice
Braid - What a Wonderful Puddle
Radiohead - Reckoner
Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen
Seven Storey Mountain - Sleep
The Sonics - Strychnine
Dharma Bums - Givin' In
The Black Black Black - Old Roy
Days in December - Main-in-Vine
[Guilty Pleasure]   Meco - The Empire Strikes Back
Master Slash Slave - You Never Write
Cupid Car Club - Grape Juice Plus
Pond - Young Splendor
The Get Up Kids - I'm a Loner, Dotti... a Rebel [original version]
Low - Silver Rider [original version]
Thirty Ought Six - Dealt

Show 16
Airdate: 3/23/2012
Guest DJ: Jen!
Theme: Jen's World 

Suzanne Vega - In Liverpool
Belly - Feed the Tree
Counting Crows - Anna Begins [live]
Tsunami - Old Grey Mare
Jenny Toomey - Useless Excuses
Son Volt - Windfall
The Promise Ring - E. Texas Ave
Q and not U - When the Lines Go Down
Low - Starfire
The Spinanes - Lines and Lines [edit]
Tara Jane O'Neil - The Poisoned Mine
Mates of State - I Got This Feelin'
Rainer Maria - Already Lost
Mirah - Monument
Verona - Heart Like Locomotive [demo]
The Fire Theft - It's Over
The Dismemberment Plan - Time Bomb
Slint - Good Morning, Captain
[Guilty Pleasure]   Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories - Stay
Afghan Whigs - 66
Art Brut - Formed a Band
Blind Pilot - Go On, Say It
Typhoon - Kitchen Tile
Weinland - Sick as a Gun
The Comforters - Lazy Sundays
Finn Riggins - Glove Comprtmnt

Show 17
Airdate: 03/30/2012
Theme: None

Jared Mees and the Grown Children - Bees
David Bazan - Please, Baby, Please
Braid - The Right Time
Rainer Maria - Put Me to Sleep
Norman - Reaching Jefferson
Massive Moth - Patrons of Wanderer's Way
Maya Shore - Corsa
Antarctica - Absence
Dirty Three (featuring Cat Power) - Great Waves
Tortoise - Djed [Bruise Blood Mix]
Akron/Family - Cast a Net
Sunny Day Real Estate - Pillars
Red Level - Turn It On
Phamous Phaces - Kristen Did It
Vitreous Humor - My Midget
Shellac - Wingwalker
Smart Went Crazy - D.C. Will Do That To You (Parts 1 and 2)
The Make-Up - Pow! to the People
[Guilty Pleasure]   Erasure - A Little Respect
The Mountain Goats - This Year
Sebadoh - Rebound
Easterly - The One
Joan of Arc - Love Life
Mt. Eerie - Distorted Cymbals
The Van Pelt - Turning Twenty into Two
Beauty Pill - The Idiot Heart