Friday, July 11, 2014

Landmark Albums: 1995

Fifth in a series of influential albums. Aired 7/11/2014

(in no particular order other than the order I'm played them on the radio)

Radiohead - The Bends

More mature but somehow less ambitious than its predecessor. In the images, lyrics, liner notes, and more esoteric sounds, Radiohead's future direction is predicted. The songs, however, are still straight-ahead guitar rock.

Sunny Day Real Estate - Sunny Day Real Estate

Dense and enigmatic. Enigk-matic? Both the album and Sunny Day were over too quickly. I bought this album on its release date, and I'm still unraveling this ball of yarn.

Hum - You'd Prefer an Astronaut

Some beautiful and powerful songs and sounds. Stands in the shadow of its successor, though.

The Secret Stars - TSS

Fragile and minimal. Recorded on 4-track with one track broken. Heartwrenching. Beautiful.

Low - Long Division

Low hit their stride. Slow and minimal. Piercing.

June of 44 - Engine Takes to the Water

It's the nautical indifference. So dark, the compass becomes weight.

Special Mention / Guilty Pleasure: Alice in Chains - Alice in Chains

This album was revolutionary because Grunge was dead. Passe` by 1995. Alice in Chains didn't care. They went ahead and made the last great grunge album.

Thirty Ought Six - Hag Seed

You know it's a solid album when the Jeremy Enigk guest spot is one of the weakest songs.

Hush Harbor - Hush Harbor EP

5 of Hush Harbor's total of 6 recorded songs. John Atkins would later found 764-HERO and other bands, but never write 5 songs as good as these.