Friday, January 2, 2015

Top 5 Records 2014

5. Weird Al Yankovic - Mandatory Fun
Weird Al Yankovic - Mandatory Fun
RCA Records
Released: July 15, 2014

Weird Al must have a painting in his attic of himself looking REALLY ugly, because the dude doesn't seem to age. He's also just as funny now as he was when I was a kid.

This album beat out a lot of worthy competition for the #5 spot, just because it is so darn fun... and I had "Foil" stuck in my head for about half the year.

4. Braid - No Coast
Braid - No Coast
Top Shelf Records
Released: July 8, 2014

Another classic 90s band reunites for a new album. This one is aaalmost as good as the old stuff. Bob Nanna has always been the crooner, and Chris Broach the shouter, but Chris does his share of crooning on this album. The rhythms are still tight and angular, if a little more polished and soft-edged than 15 years ago.

I discovered my 3 and 5 year olds awake at 6 AM cranking this album in their room and dancing. It's a good album for that.

3. Temper and Hold - self-titled
Temper and Hold
Grafton Records
Released: September, 2014

This one took me by surprise. When I talked with Andi Camp at her show at Possum House last January, she mentioned she was working on a new project. I assumed it was some more shimmery piano pop like she has been making off and on for the last few years. Instead, I got this CD in the mail. Beautifully packaged, as has been the tradition with Andi's releases, this one hit my stereo hard.

Instead of twinkly piano pop, I have angry, angular rock that seems more at home in 1995 than 2015. Not that that's a bad thing. Andi Camp has switched back to bass, and the sound hearkens back to her first bands, Stella, and Ribbon fix. Stop-start post-rock rhythms, unexpected guitar figures, and Andi's keening wail make for a heart-stopping 8 songs. Pick this up today. You will love it.

if that embed doesn't work, here's the link to hear some songs. And here's a link to buy the CD.

 2. Man... or Astro-Man? - Defcon 5...4...3...2...1

Man...or Astro-Man? - Defcon 5...4...3...2...1
WARM Recordings
Released: May, 2013

Just like Braid, Man or Astro-Man reunite and release an album that stacks up with the best releases of their prime. This album doesn't just sound like their 90s output, it sounds like a natural continuation of the direction of their last few albums. It's as if the intervening 10 years never happened.

One difference is that there are more and more vocal tracks on this album. At least half the songs have vocals, which, again, continues MOAM's transition from a purely instrumental surf band to something better and stranger. For fans of the surf rock, Defcon 5 and Defcon 1 bookend the album with classic surf. Everything in the middle is great, too. The album was recorded by Steve Albini, which makes my ears and heart glow as well.

..and yes, this album was released LAST year, but I'm not such a high-profile journalist or rich enough to pick up EVERYTHING in its production year, so this counts. Besides, I meant to get this at their show in Eugene last summer, but their Van...or Astro-Van? broke down causing them to cancel the show and leaving me with nothing but a bad pun. So I caught them in Eugene this summer, and I'm certainly glad I did.

 1. The Lowest Pair - 36¢
The Lowest Pair - 36¢
Team Love Records
Released: May, 2014

Ahhh -- this was first place by a mile. This album has received more plays on our turntable and all our CD players than any two albums this year. The Lowest Pair is a banjo duo featuring Kendl Winter (who has records on K records) that I happened to see at Level B Theatre Pub here in town. I came in late, and I was blown away-- this was perfect music. Two banjos, or banjo and guitar, sparse harmonies. Perfect, heartaching songs. My wife mentioned that Kendl and Palmer have voices similar to Kenny and Dolly, and that may be why I like them so much. Whatever the reason, the entire family agrees with this album. Even the kids love it. Why don't you give a listen yourself?


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