Sunday, January 13, 2019

Top 5 New Discoveries 2018

5. Castor - Everything 1994-1998

Mud Records 03/2018. Previously released as "Castor" LP (1995), "Carnival" 7" (1997), and "Tracking Sounds Alone" LP (1998)

I've been meaning to track down Castor for several years now. Their albums have become hard to find on the internet. That's why I was pleased that Mud Records was rereleasing the whole shebang this year. This is great stuff-- out of the same scene and influences as Braid, Very Secretary, Sarge, etcetera. This is the perfect blend of math rock, indie pop, emotive hardcore,  and gaze. $11 from Parasol. (Pick up a Sarge album while you're there!)

4. Penfold - Amateurs and Professionals

Milligram Records, 1999

Another band I've been meaning to track down. Noticing a trend? It's 2018 and I'm finally catching up on my 1998. This is a whiny indie band from New Jersey in the 90s and of course I love them. I want a physical copy of this, but they're stupid expensive right now. Oh well. You can buy the digital at least.

3. Copper - Drag Queen

Equal Vision Records, 1996

So I found out that Garrett Klahn was in Copper before he was in Texas Is the Reason. Then I heard this album. Great girlpop in the Velocity Girl vein, but with the same melodicism as Texas Is the Reason. Best moment: discovering the refrain (on Caption) "Your place is at the heart of my everything" provides a thrilling mirror to Texas Is the Reason's "Your place is STILL at the heart of my everything" (A Jack with One Eye)

2. The Lapse - Betrayal!

Gern Blandsten Records, 1998

Formed by Chris and Toko of The Van Pelt with Gregg Leto, also of Rye Coalition, I was anticipating this record before it came out in 1998. Then, due to some personal circumstances, I never got to hear this record until 20 years later. It was worth the wait. Although I wouldn't rate it as high as either of The Van Pelt's first two albums, it's certainly great. Anyone who is following these year-end ratings might remember the release of Van Pelt's "Imaginary Third", which was early versions of these songs. Now this record has finally taken its rightful place in my collection, and it keeps returning to the player for re-listens. The version of "The Speeding Train" on this album is cool-- more subdued, and definitely not the powerful statement of the original, but still cool.

1. Sarge - The Glass Intact

Mud Records, 1998

From the first few minutes of hearing this album, I knew this was going to be in my life for a long time. That first day, I immediately bought all the Sarge albums I could find online, and I love them. Sarge comes from the aforementioned 90s Urbana IL scene with Braid, Castor, Very Secretary, Days in December, etcetera etcetera. I knew of Sarge back in the 90s. I even have a split 7" with Elizabeth Elmore on it, but apparently I had missed actually hearing this band.

This is so good. The perfect mixture of Velocity Girl and Braid. Poppy hooks, clever lyrics, catchy choruses. I love this band and I love this album.

Guess what? As of the time of this writing, you can buy this LP for $11 from Parasol! That's 90s prices! (Pick up the Castor discography while you're there!)

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